International Siblings Day
We want you to share the love you have for your siblings and celebrate the day!
Siblings - aren’t they just the best? The bond we share with our siblings is like none other. They are our first friends and confidants. You can almost always count on your siblings to be there when you need them, through thick and thin.
The 10th of April marks International Siblings Day, and we want you to share the love you have for your siblings and celebrate the day! It doesn’t matter if you have just one or you have enough siblings to start a small army. We want to see all the sibling love. Even if you do not have any siblings, you are able to use this day to celebrate the sibling figures in your life and show them how special they are to you.
After all, your siblings really are for life. They are the people with who we generally have the longest and most enduring relationships, they are the only people who know what it was like to grow up in your family and to have been raised the way you were. They are the only people you can fact check your memories of your parents and who understand your family culture and traditions, both positive and perhaps not so positive.
It is with our siblings that we will share a deep family connection through shared memories and experiences and we at Key Assets Australia understand that brothers and sisters who are placed together will achieve better outcomes in relationships, health, wellbeing, and education. Importantly sibling placements tend to experience greater stability and possess a greater sense of identity, safety, and connection.
Our amazing Foster Carers commit to looking after three or more sibling children when they come into care and do an amazing job in supporting children to develop and grow as a sibling group, while balancing their individual needs. We don’t always know for how long these children and their families will need our support, as it may be for a few days or weeks or more but for however long it is needed, there is huge value in keeping sibling groups together.
So, if there is room in your heart and in your home, and you would like to learn more, then we encourage to contact our recruitment team and learn how you could help keep siblings together.
“Happy Siblings Day” from all of us at Key Assets Australia!