Key Assets Carer Appreciation Day
This week Key Assets commemorates our global Carer Appreciation Day, a milestone unique to Key Assets.
This week Key Assets commemorates our global Carer Appreciation Day, a milestone unique to Key Assets where we take the time to appreciate and celebrate our amazing foster carers across the country.
Here's a message from our acting CEO, Jamie Hodgson:
"This week at Key Assets we celebrate our global carer appreciation day! A day very close to our hearts, where we truly show our appreciation to all of our incredible and inspiring foster carers. Key Assets Carer Appreciation Day is where we acknowledge YOU, our carers, for the contribution and impact you have on the children and young people in your care. Without you, we probably wouldn’t be in the position we are in today. You inspire not only the children in your care, but also all of us here at Key Assets through your dedication and determination to do your best by these kids.
We’d just like to take this opportunity to shine a light on the impact all of our foster carers have had. Our most recent statistics show that we have 485 amazing carers in our Key Assets family. It is with your support that we were able to provide safe and nurturing homes to 531 children and young people that would otherwise be in less than favourable environments.
We understand that this year has been an uphill battle, but we appreciate the resilience and determination you have shown to get through. You have remained committed to providing safe and caring homes for foster children, something that will never go unnoticed. On behalf of Key Assets, we say – Thank you! We appreciate your commitment, your positivity, and your loyalty. But most of all, above everything, we appreciate YOU"
If you would like to learn more about becoming a foster carer, please contact Key Assets on 1800 WE CARE (1800 932 273) or visit