Qld children in care: Push to increase maximum age to 21
The Queensland government is being urged to extend the financial support to young people in care until the age of 21.
The Queensland government is being urged to extend the financial support to young people in care until the age of 21. A new Deloitte Access Economics report, released on Thursday, found that the higher usage of government services by care-leavers aged 18 to 21 years would cost the Queensland Government $71m and the commonwealth government $337m over the next decade. “Costs to the Queensland government are primarily attributable to the cost of housing and homelessness services. Hospitalisations, crime and smoking costs collectively account for 40% of the total costs,” the report says.
“Costs to the Queensland government are primarily attributable to the cost of housing and homelessness services."
Home Stretch is a national coalition of more than 200 community and child welfare organisations pushing to support children in care to receive support until the age of 21.
Read the full article here.
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