Supporting Kinship or Family Carers to look after the children placed in their care.
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What is our Kinship or Family Carer Support Service?
Unlike Foster Carers, Kinship, or Family Carers (the term used in WA) take on the care of their extended family members because of family connections. Often this is alongside exiting family commitments and though kinship carers may willingly take on the care of the child, it can mean they face challenges in trying to meet the child’s needs while balancing other demands on their time and energy.
When children are unable to return safely to their parents’ care, placing them with another family member is often the best alternative for the child’s wellbeing. Our Kinship or Family Carer services provide a range of supports to assist the Carer so that they can continue to provide the care the child needs and so keep them within the family network.
The Way We Work
We work respectfully and collaboratively with Kinship or Family Carers. We recognise that by the very nature of being family, these Carers may have a complex relationship with the child’s parents. They may themselves struggle with health issues, trauma, housing and financial challenges.
Key Assets Australia provides practical in-home help and a range of other supports. We deliver an intensive; culturally sensitive and trauma informed service aimed at improving the Carer’s wellbeing and building their capacity to safely care for the child. This includes supporting the child or young person to remain connected to family, country and community.
Key Assets Australia works very closely with the local state government department responsible for child protection in provision of Kinship/Family Carer Support services. All referrals to the services are via the government department in the state in which those services are provided.
Where Does Key Assets Australia Provide these Services?
Key Assets Australia provides Kinship/Family Carer Support services in the East Kimberley in WA; and in Victoria.