WA Pride Fairday
Fostering with pride - Our Key Assets Australia WA team had an amazing day at Pride WA Fairday.
Our Key Assets Australia WA team had an amazing day at Pride WA Fairday. There were lots of conversations about Foster Care with event participants. Our team were kept very busy giving away our KA rainbow ribbons and fans.
Our WA Director, Brenda was interviewed with RTRFM 92.1 Radio about the need for more Foster Carers and the important role they play in the lives of vulnerable children. We had a couple approach us later in the day to say they had heard the interview on their way to the event so it definitely did the job 😊
The Festival continues through to the end of the week with Sharon, our Recruitment and Panel Manager at Rainbow Talks on Saturday giving a presentation around 11:15am about fostering with pride for anyone who is able to come along 😊
#R.E.S.P.E.C.T #wearekeyassets #prideindiverstiy
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